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Langtang Gosaikunda Trek


14 Days

Maximum People


Minimum Age


Langtang Gosaikunda Trek offers the trekking opportunity to see some of the spectacular views of the mountains trailing up to the altitude of almost 4,000 meter above sea level. The trek leads you to the territory of Langtang National Park to the north of Kathmandu.

Situated in the district of Rasuwa, Langtang Village stands as the most fascinating place to visit in this trek. In addition to natural beauties and intimate excursion in the nature, the cultural prosperity and profundity would also be the intriguing factor of this trek.

Langtang Valley as located very close to the northern border of Nepal with Tibet, it has also seen many Tibetan people flocking and migrating in this northern region few centuries ago.

The Tibetan-origin Tamang and Sherpa numbers the majority of the people residing in this area. In spite of having very rich Tibetan culture and its influence all over this region, Hindu pilgrims have kept creed Gosaikunda as the religious and sacred site of God Shiv.

It is believed that Gosaikunda Lake was actually created by the God Shiv who is believed as the dweller of this region. With the devotion and faith, they head for the pilgrimage in this lake during the full-moon period in August every year.

The ardent devotees trust that the image of the God Shiv can be seen in the middle of the river.

For the experience of Himalayan communities and its cultural and social tradition, the expedition to Langtang Gosaikunda trek can be one of the finest choice.

Furthermore, the Langtang Gosaikunda trek of this region provided you an opportunity to see some endangered wild-life such as red panda along with the mesmerizing forest rhododendron and pine trees along the trial.

As a traveler to the Himalayan country, you would definitely expect to see snow-capped mountains which can be fulfilled by the sight of Manaslu Himal, Ganesh Himal, Annapurna massif.


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Day 01:

Arrival to Kathmandu (1380 meter)

You will be able to see the guide at the hotel where the overall sketch of the trek will be conducted.

Day 02 :

Drive from Kathamdnu to Syapru Besi (1460 meter)

Getting on the bus, you head for Syapru Besi early in the morning at 7 am. Travelling the journey of about seven hours, you will arrive at Syapru Besi. The bus will stop for the lunch somewhere on the way for half an hour.

While following the contour of the Trishuli valley, you would not only enjoy the breath-taking scenic view of the rivers, but also hilly villages and mountains. Your camera definitely gets busy! The destination for today arrives at about 2 to 3 pm. The rest of the day is for having rest at a guest house.

Day 03:

Syapru Besi to Lama Hotel (2560 meter)

The trek continues for 5 to 6 hours today. Striding along the well-paved path of the jungle, you move upward experiencing the cool air and shadowy surroundings. After ascending up for two hours, you will rest for the lunch at Bamboo Village which measure the height of 1850 meter.

The path steps further to the bamboo forest and the chirping sounds of the birds would enchant you. The bizarre view of the bee-hives on the high cliffs would also leave you weird impression.

Enjoying the exotic land of the Himalaya, your stay comes to an end at Lama Hotel for today. You will stay overnight at tea house.

Day 04:

Lama Hotel to Langtang Village (3455 meter)

The exciting part of the trek welcomes you with the eye-catching forest of the rhododendron and pine trees along the way. Trailing the scenic and supreme view of the nature, you arrive at Ghoda Tabela (2905 meter) for the lunch.

The different habitats and herbals have been the identity of this area. The trail also gives the impression of barren and bleak as the altitude rises up. Three hours of trek brings you to Langtang Village.

Day 05:

Langtang Village to Kyangjing Gompa ( 3817 meter)

The Himalayan village Langtang offers you a unique settlement of the Himalayas. To explore and experience more magnificent and amazing time of the trek, you further trail up towards kyangjing Gompa.

The fantastic and incredible view of the snow-capped mountains such as Ganchempo and Langtang Lirung can be observed from Kayangjing Gompa. The visit to Yak Cheese Factory, Kyangjing Monastery as well as the Langtang village would give you bliss.

If you want to climb Kyangjing Ri of 4773 meter of height, you can make the way from here.

Day 06 :

Kyangjing Gompa to Langsisa Kharka (4080 meter)

The destination today takes us even closer to see the picturesque view of glitter glowing mountains. The way descends down to Langtang Airport before ascending up to Jatang again for half an hour.

The trek moves even further to view the green and wide pasture for the Himalayan cow, yak. You would be enthralled by the awe-inspiring panoramic view of Dorje Ri from Numbathang. It’s the longest trekking day of the route which asks for about 10 hours.

Day 07:

Return Kyangjing Gompa to Ghoda Tabela (2905 meter).

Walking for about 7 hours, the trek follows the same path while returning to Ghoda Tabela. The overnight stay occurs at the tea house.

Day 08:

Ghoda Tabela to Bamboo Village (1960 meter).

It’s four approximately 5 hours of walk today to arrive at Bamboo Village. It’s same as we did before that we make overnight stay at a tea house.

Day 09:

Bamboo Village to Thulo Syapru (2290 meter)

The way continues piercing the pine tree for about one and hal hour before coming to see the Langtang Khola. Following the edge of the khola, you would cross a waterfall. The narrow and slippery path somewhere along the way demands your awareness and concentration more than usual.

Obviously, this may not be your usual path! Ascending up for an hour, you would find some grocery shops and tea house where you can buy your drinks and snacks. The trail further rises up to enjoy the forest path of rhododendron and pine tree.

Crossing a suspension bridge, you would come to the very lap of Thulo Syapru.

Day 10 :

Thulo Syapru to Sing Gompa (3330 meter)

You would start the day seeing the monastery and school of Thulo Syapru to trail further crossing the Lanntang National Park army checking point. Walking for about half an hour, you arrive at Dursagang which measures the height of 2660 meter.  

A walk through the hemlock and oak tree forest for one and half hour would take you at Foprang Danda at the height of 3190 meter. You will trail further through the rhododendron jungle before arriving at Sing Gompa.

Day 11 :

Sing Gompa to Lauribina Yak (4210 meter)

About one thousand meter of height will be trekked today following the wonderful environment made by the rhododendron and dry scrub vegetation planted on the stair-case like field for an hour to arrive at Chalang Pati at the height of 3650 meter.

You are entered into the Gosainkund Protected Area. You can see the stunning view of Ganesh Himal and Langtang Himal. The steep climb upward lead you to Lauri Vinayak, the place which allows you to see the splendid moment of sunset and sunrise as well as the fabulous panoramic views of Annapurna massifs, Ganesh Himal, Mansalu Himal, Langtang Lirung Himal and some Tibetan mountains.

Day 12 :

Lauribina Yak to Gosaikunda (4460 meter)

The trek to Gosaikunda takes you about 500 meters high altitude than Lauribina Yak. The stay to Lauribina Yak is also for the acclimatization. Trailing further in the narrow path, you are expected to have better orientation on the path.

You would see the statue of Lord Buddha welcoming you in the peaceful and pristine land of nature and spirituality. Before arriving to Gosaikunda Lake, you will see Sarswatikunda and Bhairav Kunda below the trail.

Day 13 :

Gosaikunda to Dhunche (1950 meter)

The trek descends down to the same path until Sing Gompa. You then follow the stream come out of Gosaisakunda Lake which runs along the edge until you come to Dhunche. 

During the trial, you would come to see greenery jungle, agricultural farms and fresh natural environment unlike the environment of Kathamandu city.

Day 14 :

Drive Dhunche to Kathamandu   (1380 meter)

You again get on the bus as you had started your journey embarking on the bus from Kathmandu to Syaprubesi. You will enjoy the travel for seven hours to rest your tired and exhausted legs by the long-trekking.

Tour Map

What’s Included

  • NWe provide you the bed and breakfast. Accommodation will be shared by two people. However, you can book for the single room with extra charge.
  • NThe overland transport will be held on tourist coach as per the itinerary and size of the group.
  • NThe applicable fee for the Trekking, National Park and Conservation center will be covered.
  • NWe offer you a welcome group dinner
  • NThe wages, meals, and transportation of our trekking staff (guide) will be arranged.
  • NWe also have included a comprehensive medical kit and service of guide.

What’s Excluded

  • QPick-up/Drop from/to the airport.
  • QThe visa fee you would have to pay for travel, medical insurance and airport tax.
  • QThe meals of your personal interest will not be offered in our expense.
  • QWe would also not provide personal sleeping bags and bags.
  • QThe charge applied in case of emergency evacuation by any means of transport would not be included.
  • QThe charge for accommodation in Kathamndu in you early arrival before the trip will not be included and also the late departure. Moreover, the early departure from trek will also not included in our expense.
  • QWe also don’t include the cost of international flights.
  • QThe trip doesn’t offer the travel and rescue insurance.
  • QWe also don’t include the phone calls, laundry, bar bills, battery recharge, extra poter etc.
  • QWe also don’t offer tips for guides and porters, you can give them yourself if you like to give.

Trek start dates

  • N1st Group: 1st of every month
  • N2nd group: 15th of every month

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Langtang Gosaikunda Trek

Trip Cost


per person

  • ZDestination: Langtang Gosaikunda Trek
  • ZMin-pax: 1-15
  • ZAccommodation: 2 or 3 star level
  • ZDuration: 14 days
  • ZMax altitude: 4080m
    
4.6 Star Out of 5

“Best Trek of my life; out of the world experience.”

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