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How beautiful would it be if you could scan all the tall mountains with a bird eye view? Yes, the helicopter tours in Nepal provide that exact opportunity. The Trek Nepal has been organizing these tours for a very long time.

You get an opportunity to see the most beautiful mountains, and terraced farming lands along with the rivers, and lakes along the way. Although it could sound expensive helicopter tours in Nepal are highly comfortable.

Today we will be diving into why you should choose a helicopter tour if you have a limited time frame.

Helicopter Tours in Nepal Saves time

The most important reason to choose helicopter tours in Nepal is because it saves major time for the trekker. A lot of the time trekkers only have a couple of days but they want to most beautiful views.

Helicopter tours in this case are the right way to go. A helicopter tour allows you to scan down the whole country. You will have an idea of how people of different castes and cultures live in Nepal with the views of their settlement.

Best for photography and selfies

A lot of the time, photographers and movie directors tend to book helicopter tours in Nepal with The Trek Nepal. This is because they are interested in getting a 360-degree view of overall Nepal.

With the diverse landscapes and geography photographers also have the right opportunity to click on the most beautiful image. But we suggest you choose the right weather and climate to get the perfect shot.

Luxurious and comfortable

If you don’t like crowded situations and like to enjoy the views alone, helicopter rides are the way to go. Not only will you have a solo opportunity but you also have a luxurious ride where you don’t have to worry about others.

The pilot will try and explain a particular place and you could enjoy the view all by yourself. Helicopter rides could take you to base camps which could take days while trekking. It will also allow you to beat the harsh weather and get the best quite easily.

Physical safety

There has never been any issue when we talk about helicopter rides in Nepal. With trekking, you could face the situation of altitude sickness which could be hard to cope with. But with helicopter rides that isn’t the case.

You could have a safe and luxurious ride and can reach the destination you want without much of the fuss. From the best facilities to eye-catching views and brilliant access, helicopter tours might just be the package you need.

Available for everyone

If you are thinking of trekking in Everest Base Camp it has certain restrictions. Kids or people with overweight aren’t quite allowed to do the trek due to the difficulty of it. But the problem is solved with the help of helicopter tours.

These luxurious helicopter tours are available for everyone to enjoy. It doesn’t matter whether you are a kid overweight, a man, or a woman you are happily and safely welcomed to the flight. But before hopping in we do check your medical status just to be very sure.

Unique cultural experiences

This could be a debatable topic that helicopter rides in Nepal allow for unique cultural experiences. The major point to focus on here is the fact that you can land at specific locations to get a feel of the culture.

From monasteries to temples, stupas, caves, and gumbas the opportunities are limitless. Most of the time due to bad road conditions reaching every cultural site by foot can be tough. So The Trek Nepal helicopter ride could just be the answer.

Helps in memorable moment celebration

Booking helicopter tours in Nepal has recently very popular. Not to visit the unique places but to celebrate their important day at unique locations. More precisely people book helicopter rides for birthdays, anniversaries, and wedding photoshoots.

A place like Gosaikunda is easily accessible for the newlyweds to do their photoshoots. All thanks to the helicopter rides in Nepal. Not only it is unique but this is etched in as a memorable moment for the people involved to enjoy.

Possibility of easy customization

Everybody loves a personalized package that is specially made for you. In the case of helicopter tours in Nepal customization is the most easy part. As there are limited individuals involved in the activity, customization is very easy.

You will be able to choose from a mixed set according to your time, the number of people, and the experience you want to gain. Although the cost could come on the higher side you will have an experience like you always wished to have.

Yoga and Meditation Retreats

This is different yet highly practiced when we talk about The Trek Nepal. In order to provide a holistic experience we are known to provide yoga and meditation retreats to the client. In the process of doing so, helicopter tours come in handy.

People who are not interested in trekking but want to get into the yoga and meditation retreats at The Trek Nepal can easily do it. All you have to do is book with us and let us handle it from there.

Educational excursions

This could be a different and unique reason to do helicopter tours in Nepal. Nepal is a historical country with religious importance. Having said that archeological findings tend to come out all the time.

If someone finds something valuable at a tough location, it is easier to access it with the help of a helicopter tour. A guide or an expert in history could explain everything in detail from right up above.

This not only provides a unique experience but also helps to protect the historical finding area without stepping into it or disturbing its real form. By this, we can have a different yet underrated perspective of the location.

Lastly, there are plenty of other reasons from sunset and sunrise views, wedding and photography events, different viewpoints of temples, wildlife, etc.

All of this could be possible when you contact The Trek Nepal and book a safe, comfortable, and luxurious helicopter tour.