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There are more than 200 countries in the world but the beauty of Nepal stands at the top. The major reason to say so is the people, the natural beauty, and much more. It is important to recognize the beauty of the country.

Along with mountains everywhere you will find welcoming people along with religious tolerance, safety, and security. In this write-up, we will discuss why Nepal is a special country and what you can expect.

Nepal Is Special : 8 of the 10 tallest mountains in the world

The first reason why Nepal is special country is due to the presence of the mountains. The highest mountain in the world Mount Everest is also present in Nepal. It stands with pride at 8848m. Along with that, you will find other mountains too.

Every year thousands of tourists come to Nepal solely for mountain climbing purposes. 8 of the 10 tallest mountains in the world are also present in Nepal. They are Mount Everest, Kanchenjunga, Lhotse, Makalu, Cho Oyu, Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, Annapurna.

All these mountains have their significant importance. Some are tougher than others to climb as well. Trekking agencies like The Trek Nepal provide brilliant options to trek these mountains every year.

Spiritual and religious essence 

Nepal in itself is known as the country of temples. Kathmandu has the most religious essence in the whole country. Not only for trekking expeditions a lot of the tourists come to Nepal every year for religious fulfillment.

A variety of temples, shrines, and the religious aspects of the country is famous all around the world. Although Nepal has more than 80% of Hindus in the country, there are other religions residing in peace.

From Buddhists, Muslims, and Christians you can find plenty of castes and cultures living here. Similarly, temples like Pashupatinath, Swayambunath, Boudhha, and Lumbini provide a deep meaning to the people of the country.

Natural beauty

No Nepal is not only famous for the mountains but the natural beauty in Nepal. Nepal is a special country due to the natural excellence that comes in abundance. Along with the mountains, you will find the varied landscapes which make it special.

You will find mountains, hills, and Terai in a very small space which is the key. Although Nepal is located between India and China, it is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. With natural beauty dominating you can’t ignore it.

Along with mountains, you will find gorges, lush valleys, glaciers, flora and fauna, natural hot water springs, green hills etc. This tends to entice and welcome tourists from all around the world.

Safety and security of the tourists

Until and unless tourists feel safe and secure in a particular country it is hard for them to travel. Having said that Nepal is safe on every front. Majorly from the 19th century, tourism started to flow in Nepal.

It has been decades and there has hardly been any case of tourist mishaps. People in Nepal are welcoming and religiously tolerant. This allows people from any caste, culture, or creed to visit Nepal and enjoy it.

You can feel safer and can enjoy the natural beauty with great pleasure. Likewise, if you select agencies like The Trek Nepal they focus on proper safety, security, and enjoyment for the tourists.

Volunteering and community services

Nepal is a developing country and there are still various remote areas of Nepal that aren’t developed. Being a third-world nation there are plenty of community service opportunities for tourists to enjoy and explore.

As Nepal treats their guests as gods we also provide them the opportunity to help the local community. Therefore various community development programs during the stay, volunteering activities along conservation activities do take place.

Not only that international agencies tend to help Nepal in the field of health safety, disaster management, and teaching learning activities. This has helped Nepal to become one step better than what it already was.

Variety of adventure activities

A lot of tourists make the mistake of thinking Nepal is all about mountains. Well, you are wrong in so many ways. Nepal is more than mountains. Nepal is special because of the variety of sports and adventures present.

You can do paragliding in Pokhara and also bungee jumping and cycling in Kushma. If you are not interested in it you can go through the Bhotekoshi river by rafting and canoeing which makes it special.

Anyone who isn’t interested in adventure sports can also stroll through night life of Kathmandu or walk through the lakes of Pokhara. You can also do the spiritual and religious tour in Kathmandu so the options are aplenty.

Budget-friendly option

With so many options in Nepal, readers might think that it is expensive to holiday in Nepal. You are mistaken once again. Nepal is one of the cheapest countries in the world if you are planning a vacation.

During the trekking activities in Nepal, you could easily perform 14 14-day treks for under $3000 with all the food, accommodation, and the best of service. If you are touring Nepal then the budget doesn’t break your bank.

Nepal, a developing country, provides the best of the services to its tourists at the most affordable price. This makes Nepal a very special country to visit. The quality of local food and the taste also match the price.

Rare animals and plants

Nepal is a special country as it preserves rare animals and plants with great focus. There are plenty of wildlife centers in Nepal where you can get a chance to view the extinct animals. Places like Chitwan National Park, Bardia National Park, and Sagarmatha National park are the peak examples.

Rare animals like one-horned rhinos, sloth bears, wild elephants, and crocodiles along with more than 500 species of birds are easily available to observe. Similarly, you also get to see snow leopards, red pandas, blue sheep, yaks, etc.

The rare animals and the medicinal herbs in Nepal are top-notch. Yarsagumba, Harro, Barro, and other medicinal herbs have been used to cure rare and fatal diseases. These traits do make Nepal a special country.